About April Knecht & Real Sea Glass

Hello there!
Little did I know when I was taken to “Sea Glass Beach” as an eight-year-old, that I would begin a life-long love affair with these frosty gifts of the sea! Literally tens of thousands of hours, over four decades (and what seems like several lifetimes) later, I sit surrounded by hundreds of pounds of genuine, hand-gathered Sea Glass shards in my Florida panhandle jewelry studio.
Lined up in Mason Jars on shelves, clustered in antique china saucers, and sorted by color, shape and personality in old mahogany print block trays, the gorgeous glow of Sea Glass is everywhere… a testament to the tireless work of 16 seasoned Sea Glass hunters all over the globe who spend countless hours on wind-swept shores the world over to recover these precious gems. I met most of these folks on my travels and while living abroad… funny how kindred spirits are drawn to each other, isn’t it?
While I no longer recover every piece myself, my world is much richer for knowing these brothers and sisters of the sea. Everyone of us is absolutely passionate about bringing real, unaltered, surf-tossed, beached-combed Real Sea Glass to you.
While you may not be with us as we do our “Happy Dance” after finding a perfect, frosty piece of Sea Glass, our passion, our love of these amazing glowing beauties from the sea, and our best wishes travel with our glass to you with every piece of jewelry I create. You have now become one of us – another soul who has fallen in love with these surf-tumbled treasures. May you’re love affair be a long and happy one!
April Knecht - Owner, Jewelry Artist & Fellow Sea Glass Lover
Real Sea Glass… since 1976
Little did I know when I was taken to “Sea Glass Beach” as an eight-year-old, that I would begin a life-long love affair with these frosty gifts of the sea! Literally tens of thousands of hours, over four decades (and what seems like several lifetimes) later, I sit surrounded by hundreds of pounds of genuine, hand-gathered Sea Glass shards in my Florida panhandle jewelry studio.
Lined up in Mason Jars on shelves, clustered in antique china saucers, and sorted by color, shape and personality in old mahogany print block trays, the gorgeous glow of Sea Glass is everywhere… a testament to the tireless work of 16 seasoned Sea Glass hunters all over the globe who spend countless hours on wind-swept shores the world over to recover these precious gems. I met most of these folks on my travels and while living abroad… funny how kindred spirits are drawn to each other, isn’t it?
While I no longer recover every piece myself, my world is much richer for knowing these brothers and sisters of the sea. Everyone of us is absolutely passionate about bringing real, unaltered, surf-tossed, beached-combed Real Sea Glass to you.
While you may not be with us as we do our “Happy Dance” after finding a perfect, frosty piece of Sea Glass, our passion, our love of these amazing glowing beauties from the sea, and our best wishes travel with our glass to you with every piece of jewelry I create. You have now become one of us – another soul who has fallen in love with these surf-tumbled treasures. May you’re love affair be a long and happy one!
April Knecht - Owner, Jewelry Artist & Fellow Sea Glass Lover
Real Sea Glass… since 1976
P.S. Real Sea Glass as it now exists was born at Cannon Beach Treasure Company, where tens of thousands of guests embraced the colorful world of sea glass, and gave us support and encouragement as we build both CannonBeachTreasure.com and RealSeaGlass.com into realities.